- 1 carrot
- 1 romaine red pepper
- 2 pak choi / choi sum
- 3-4 fresh shiitake mushrooms, kept whole
- 1 large red chilli, finely sliced into rings
- Handful coriander, picked & washed
- 75g bean sprouts
- 2 Spring onions
The Stock
- 1L vegetable stock
- ½ thumb sized piece ginger, finely sliced
- 2 garlic cloves, bashed
- 1 spring onion, roughly chopped
- 2 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1 tbsp vegetarian stir fry sauce
- 3-4 dried shiitake mushrooms
The Chilli Oil
- 1 tbsp gochugaru – Korean chilli flakes
- 1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
- ½ spring onion, finely sliced into rings
- 3-4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp light soy sauce
- Mix the stock ingredients together in a wok or saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn down to a low heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
- Once the stock has been made, remove the dried shiitake mushrooms and finely slice them.
- Just before serving, re-heat the noodles in the stock for 30-60 seconds. Blanch the vegetables in the stock separately, starting with the harder vegetables first.
- For the chilli oil, mix the Korean chilli flakes, sesame seeds and spring onion in a heatproof bowl. Heat the vegetable oil until smoking hot, then set aside for 20-30 seconds before pouring over the mixture. Then pour the light soy sauce over the top.
- Serve your bowl of noodles topped with the mushrooms, and vegetables. Garnish with the chilli oil and fine slices of spring onion.
- 1根胡萝卜
- 1个罗马红辣椒
- 2颗上海青/菜心
- 3-4个新鲜香菇,完整保存
- 1个大的红辣椒,切成圈
- 一根香菜,采摘并清洗
- 75克豆芽
- 2个葱
- 1L蔬菜高汤
- ½块拇指大小的姜,切成薄片
- 2瓣大蒜,捣碎
- 1个葱,大致切碎
- 2汤匙生抽
- 1汤匙素炒酱油
- 3-4个干香菇
- 1汤匙韩式杂酱–韩国辣椒粉
- 1茶匙香烤芝麻
- ½个葱,切成圈
- 3-4汤匙植物油
- 2汤匙生抽
- 在锅或炖锅中将原料混合在一起,煮沸。转小火慢炖20-30分钟。
- 高汤做好后,取出干香菇,将其切成薄片。
- 上桌前,将面条放入高汤中重新加热30-60秒。将蔬菜分别放入高汤中,先从较硬的蔬菜开始。
- 辣椒油,将韩国辣椒片、芝麻和葱放入耐热碗中混合。将植物油加热至冒烟,然后放置20-30秒,然后倒入混合物。然后把生抽倒在上面。
- 端上一碗面条,上面撒上蘑菇和蔬菜。用辣椒油和细葱片装饰。